Price: $35/$40 per person Duration: 3 Hours
Trek through remote virgin cloud forests to look for the Resplendent Quetzal, surrounding the perimeter of the Volcan Baru National Park.
What’s Included:
- Roundtrip Transport
- Knowledgeable Bilingual Guide
- Trail Entrance Fees
Hike Highlights:
- Experienced Wildlife Guide
- Birdwatching (option)
- Gorgeous Waterfalls (option)
- Cloud Forest Trekking
- Rare Wildlife Species
Trip Description:
This amazing hike goes into remote virgin cloud forest surrounding the perimeter of Volcan Baru National Park. There are many trails in this area, and we have chosen the best for you. We first suggest to go to the Pipeline Trail, which is the best maintained, with old growth trees and the best chance for spotting rare species such as the Resplendent Quetzal, sloths, and monkeys. With more than 220 bird species native to the area, including the elusive Resplendent Quetzal, birding opportunities abound. The Lost Waterfalls Trail parallels Quebrada La Mina, a gorgeous creek that meanders through the ridges and valleys above Boquete, creating spectacular waterfalls and eventually spilling into Rio Caldera. Choose your Boquete Cloud Forest trails here.
**Special Online Price: $35 per person (reduced for a limited time – Half Day Tour).**
(Pipeline Trail Only)
Regular Price: $40 per person (Half Day – Pipeline Trail)
**Special Online Price: $40 per person (reduced for a limited time – Half Day Tour).**
(Lost Waterfalls Trail Only)
Regular Price: $50 per person (Half Day – Lost Waterfalls Trail)
**Special Online Price: $65 per person (reduced for a limited time – Half Day Tour).**
Regular Price $75 per person (Half Day – Quetzal Trail)
Reserve your space directly with us. BOOK NOW!
Packages with this Tour:
– 2-Day “Boquete Quick Combo” Package
– 2-Day “Coffee, Canyon, and Cloud Forest” Package
– 2-Day “Surf and Turf” Package
– 3-Day “Best of Boquete” Package
– 5-Day “Totally Chiriqui” Package
– 8-Day “Rumble in the Jungle” Package
Morning Half Day Tour: 8:30am – 12:30pm
Afternoon Half Day Tour: 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Full Day Tour (Quetzal Trail): 7:30am-3:30pm
Half day (Quetal Trail) : 7:30am to 1:30pm
Boquete Cloud Forests, Chiriqui Province, Panama. How to get to Boquete.
The tour goes to a higher elevation in the cloud forest which is generally cooler. Generally, the mornings are best for birdwatching and wildlife opportunities and weather conditions. We do not recommend it during the afternoons during the rainy season months of July-October.
Meeting Place:
At the BOA Office in Plaza Los Establos on Main Street in Boquete. How to get to our office in Boquete.
Trip Notes:
Various Trails can be chosen for fitness levels and abilities.
Short sections of the trail are steep uphill climbs. Please let us know your fitness and hiking ability.
Trip details may change due to severe weather or unforeseen events.
Wildlife spotting is highly likely, but not guaranteed.
Approximate Tour Schedule (approximate times that can change daily):
8:30am – Meet in office **Please be on time to not keep other guests waiting**
8:30am – 8:50am – Drive to Hiking Trail
8:50am – 12:00pm – Guided Hike with Knowledgeable Guide
12:00pm – 12:30pm – Return to drive back to the Office
What To Bring:
- Camera
- Hat
- Rain Jacket
- Sturdy Shoes
- Sun Block
- Water Bottle
Contact Us for Your Hiking Tour Now!
Guide – Hiking Difficulty Level
EASY: Young and elderly. Someone in fair hiking condition. Trail is in good condition. Very little elevation gain.
MODERATE: Someone in good hiking condition. Trails are generally in good condition. Increased mileage. Moderate elevation gain.
CHALLENGING: Someone in good hiking condition. Trails are generally in good condition. Increased mileage. Significant elevation gain.
DIFFICULT: Someone in excellent hiking condition. Trails are generally in good condition. Significant increase in mileage. Significant increase in elevation gain.
VERY DIFFICULT: Someone in excellent hiking condition. Trails are not always in good condition. Significant increase in mileage. Significant increase in elevation gain.
EXTREME: Someone in exceptional hiking/climbing condition. Trails are not always available. Significant increase in mileage. Extreme elevation gain. Technical aspects of hike.
Boquete Cloud Forest Hiking Trails:
The Pipeline Trail
Level of Difficulty: Easy-Moderate
Length of Trail (roundtrip): 4.5 km / 2.8 miles
Hiking Time: 3 hours
The Pipeline Trail is our MOST RECOMMENDED trail for our half-day hikes. It winds through the cloud forest and passes through two micro-climates, has various small wildlife, and is one of the best areas for the chance to see the Resplendent Quetzal, as well as numerous other birds. It is an easy trail that can be done with any age-group and most fitness levels. This is the perfect option if you have limited time and want to see the beautiful cloud forests of Boquete, and a chance to see the rare Quetzal, with your family and friends. Half-day trail, up and back takes 3 hours.
We recommend this trail in our Combo Discount Special Packages:
- “Best of Boquete” 3-Day Combo
- “Boquete Quick Combo” 2-Day Combo
- “Boquete Surf and Turf” 2-Day Combo
- “Totally Chiriqui” 5-Day Combo
The Lost Waterfalls Trail
Level of Difficulty: Moderate – Challenging
Length of Trail (roundtrip): 4.5 km / 2.8 miles
Hiking Time: 3 hours
The Lost Waterfalls Trail is quite steep at the beginning so requires a higher fitness level. It has three gorgeous waterfalls (the third being difficult to get to). The first waterfall is easily accessible with a good flow into a canyon (no swimming) and makes for a perfect photo-op. The second waterfall, further up the trail, has great water flow into a small pool, however it is not recommended to go under the waterfall due to falling rocks. There is also a small secret cavern just next to the waterfall. The third waterfall requires a more strenuous trek and is not always accessible due to time constraints and trail maintenance. It is beautiful, but doesn’t allow for swimming due to falling rocks. The trail is very nice with gorgeous jungle scenery, however there is less chance of seeing wildlife on this trail. Half day trail, up and back takes 3 hours.
This Trail requires a minimum of person to be able to Book, is not guarantee the trail could be open.
Level of Difficulty: Moderate – Challenging (trail condition dependent on rainy season rainfall)
Length of Trail (roundtrip): 7 km / 4.34 miles
Hiking Time: 4-5 hours per way
Half Trail Time is 2.5 hours per way
The Quetzal Trail is one of the most well-known trails in the area, due to it’s name, and various bird species. It winds through multiple types of forests and micro-climates and ascends/descends from 2500 meters above sea level to 1800 meters above sea level. The trail can be challenging to follow as there are many forks leading to the easy possibility of getting lost. The trail, in it’s entirety, one-way takes 4 hours to get to Cerro Punta, and 4 hours back. Another option is to drive 2 hours to Cerro Punta and hike one-way for 4-5 hours. It is very steep at the beginning and end. We only provide a hike on this trail with a minimum group number and higher price due to it’s length and difficulty. Currently, we provide this hike leaving from and returning to the Boquete side, hiking to about the trail midpoint and back, and it takes about 4 hours of hiking time. Hike starts at 7:30am in our office and returns at about 1-1:30pm depending on hiking speed
The Volcano Baru Trail 5am to 5pm new regulation
Level of Difficulty: Difficult-Very Difficult
Length of Trail (roundtrip): 26 km / 16 miles
Hiking Time: 9-11 hours
The hike up Volcan Baru is a strenuous yet rewarding experience. The trail is in moderate condition, as it is a 2-track rocky road. There is an extreme elevation gain in a relatively short amount of time. The trail ascends to 3500 meters above sea level in less than 6 hours one-way, and there is a rare chance to spot various wildlife, while experiencing different forests and micro-climates. The hike is recommended overnight to arrive at the peak to see the summit sunrise from the highest point in Panama. It can reach below freezing temperatures at the peak. Up and back takes about 9-11 hours.
We recommend this trail in these trips:
- Overnight Summit Sunrise Hiking Volcano Baru
- “Boquete Challenge” 24-Hour Combo with Whitewater Rafting
Contact Us for Your Cloud Forest Hike Now!
Wanderung : Regenwald und Wasserfälle
Preis: 35$ pro Person Dauer: 3 Stunden
Wanderung durch den abgeschiedenen, jungfräulichen Regenwald auf der Suche nach dem prächtigen Chetzal Vogel, umgeben vom Nationalpark Vulkan Barú.
Was ist enthalten:
- Hin- und Rücktransport
- fachkundlichen zweisprachigen Guide
- Wanderweg Eintritt
Highlights der Wanderung:
- erfahrener Tierwelt-Guide
- Vogelbeobachtung (optional)
- großartige Wasserfälle (optional)
- Regenwald Wanderung
- seltene Tierarten
Pipeline Trail: Halbtagestour
Spezial Online Preis 35$ pro Person (für begrenzte Zeit reduziert)
Regulärer Preis 60$
Versteckte Wasserfälle Halbtagestour
Spezial Online Preis 40$ pro Person ( für begrenzte Zeit reduziert)
Regulärer Preis 65$
Chetzal Trail Wanderung: Halbtagestour
Spezial Online Preis: 65$ pro Person (für begrenzte Zeit reduziert)
Regulärer Preis 75$ pro Person
Volcan Barú Aufstieg: Übernachtungstour
Spezial Online Preis 85$ pro Person
Regulärer Preis 100$
Reservieren Sie Ihren Platz direkt mit uns. Buchen Sie jetzt
Tour Pakete:
- 2 Tages Tour “Boquete Kombination”
- 2 Tages Tour “ Kaffee, Canyon und Regenwald”
- 2 Tages Tour “Surf und Turf”
- 3 Tages Tour “Das Beste von Boquete”
- 5 Tages Tour “ Ganz Chiriqui”
- 8 Tages Tour “Dschungelerlebnis”
- Halbtagestour am Morgen : 8:15am – 12:15pm
- Halbtagestour am Nachmittag: 1:30pm – 5:15pm
- Ganztagestour: (Quetzal Wanderung) 7:30am -3:30pm
- Übernachtungstour Vulkan Barú: 11:30 pm – 11:30 am
Boquete Regenwald, Provinz Chiriqui, Panama.
Wie komme ich nach Boquete.
Die Touren finden in Höhenlagen im Regenwald statt wo es generell kühler ist.
Morgens sind die Wetterbedingungen für die Vogel- und Tierbeobachtung am besten.
Wir empfehlen es nicht die Touren nachmittags in der Regenzeit zwischen Juli und Oktober zu machen.
Im BOA Büro am Plaza Los Establos an der Hauptstraße in Boquete.
Wie komme ich zum Büro in Boquete.
Anmerkungen zum Trip:
Verschieden Wanderungen können entsprechend ihrem Fitness Level ausgewählt werden.
Im trail sind kurze steile Kletterabschnitte. Bitte teilen Sie uns deshalb Ihr Fitnesslevel und Ihre Kapazität zum Wandern mit.
Die Details der Tour können sich bei schlechter Wetterlage oder unvorhergesehen Ereignissen ändern.
Die Tierbeobachtung ist sehr wahrscheinlich aber nicht garantiert.
Voraussichtlicher Tour-Plan: ( tägliche Änderungen möglich)
8-8:15am Treffpunkt im Büro ( bitte seien Sie pünktlich um anderen Kunden nicht warten zu lassen)
8:15-8:45am Fahrt zur Wanderung
8:45-11:45am geführte Vogelbeobachtung oder Wanderung mit fachkundigem Guide
11:45-12:15 pm Rückfahrt nach Boquete.
Das sollten Sie mitnehmen:
- Kamera
- Sonnenhut
- Regenjacke
- feste Schuhe
- Sonnencreme
- Wasserflasche
Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt für Ihre Nebelwaldwanderung!
- Local Families
- Secret Waterfalls
- Interesting Flora
- Old Forest Trees
- Waterfalls
- Remo!
- Panoramic Views
- Cascading Waterfall
- Horses
- The Trail to Waterfalls
- Massive Waterfall
- Cloud Forest Trails
- Pristine Streams
- The Last Waterfall
- Waterfall
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